Sunday 22 March 2015

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience by appealing to things they are interested in e.g. fan girls like popular artists so my magazine includes articles etc. about them. I also appealed to young alts and indie scenesters by including content on new artists as they like to stay ahead of trends so my magazine meets the interest of a wide range of people and can have a larger audience than other existing magazines will have. I have made sure my magazine has a range of feature that will attract my audience to help keep them engaged and interested in the magazine and its contents.

Masthead- I think the masthead of my magazine appeals to fan girls as it is bright and bold and stands out which is similar to other magazines they read. I think the name of my magazine appeals to my audience as it is short snappy and easy to remember.

Writing style- I tried to use a relaxed writing style for my article to try and appeal to my audience.

Font- I think the font my magazine uses will attract my audience because it is quite a casual and relaxed font so will appeal to teens and young adults.

Photos- I think the photos I used for my magazine will attract my target audience as it is more realistic than other magazine photos where the model is against a plain or block coloured background and have lots of makeup. 

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