Friday, 17 April 2015

Evaluation task 4 FINAL

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Indie Scenesters are proper ‘musos,’ fans of electronic, urban and of course indie sounds – they’re fully committed to staying ahead of the curve.
Young Alts are just starting out are voracious consumers of every source of Alt inspiration they can get their hands on, from Kerrang! to Netflix and Spotify. Young Alts are the Tribe for young people who ‘want out’ of the mainstream.
Trendies are driven by beautiful things and beautiful people, Trendies love fashion and are always looking for the next big trend.
My target audience is teens and young adults aged 16-25. I used UK tribes to help me find groups that would like my magazine. I found that fan girls would buy my magazine as it is similar to other magazines they read and includes content about popular artists they are fans of. I used yougov to find out more about my target audience and found that… I also found that other groups on UK tribes would buy my magazine, young alts, indie scenesters and trendies. These groups will like my magazine as it features less well known artists and they like to keep ahead of trends or in the case of trendies they enjoy finding new trends. I think my magazine will appeal to Indie Scenesters as they enjoy finding new artists that other people have yet to discover and like lots of different types of music which I will look at in my magazine. Young Alts will like my magazine as it is different to mainstream magazines and will include artists and music they like. I think Trendies will also like my magazine as one part of it will be finding new artists and trendies enjoy finding new trends. I think fan girls and trendies will be my biggest audience as my magazine features things they will both like. I think young alts and indie scenesters will like this magazine as well as it isn’t completely about already well-known artists. I think my magazine will attract a wide range of people as it doesn’t only focus on artist who are already well know or artists that are yet to be discovered but both at the same time and think these two aspects put together will mean my magazine is open to a larger audience than a magazine focused only on one of these aspects. I wanted my magazine to be different from other existing magazines so I could attract a different audience and make a magazine that addressed a variety of different parts of pop and rock music in one product.

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